The Born into Brothels Ensemble toured the United States several times following the success of documentary film Born into Brothels. They have performed at the Chicago Cultural Center and Sonotheque (World Music Festival 2006), as well as venues in Iowa and North Carolina.
With McDowell as leader, the group’s core members are Steve Gorn and Samir Chatterjee (bios below). Other musicians who have performed in the BiB Ensemble include Falu and Guarav Shah, violinist from Boston.
Steve Gorn, whose flute is featured on the 2005 Academy-Award-winning film, Born into Brothels, has performed Indian Classical Music and new American Music on the bansuri bamboo flute, soprano saxophone and clarinet in concerts and festivals throughout the world. He has recorded and performed with Paul Simon, Pandit Samir Chatterjee, Jack DeJohnette, Tony Levin, and Glen Velez. His CDs include Colors of the Mind, Priyageeta, and Luminous Ragas.
Samir Chatterjee is a virtuoso tabla player who has collaborated with some of the finest musicians of the world in prestigious venues and occasions. He has numerous albums to his credit. Along with performance work he has a brilliant academic career in music, writing, and teaching. He is known for his unique way of blending dexterity with aesthetics.