Premiered at Slamdance Festival, 2020
“In exploring the path of the score of Higher Love, I created themes for the main characters, looking for signs of their humanity beneath their rough condition. I wanted avoid cliches of city nightlife music, thinking more about tonal colors and abstract sounds along with contemporary instruments.” – John McDowell
In this 2019 documentary feature by Hasan Oswald, Daryl Gantt is a struggling blue-collar factory man striving to be a better father than his own, who abandoned him at childhood. Daily, he searches the streets of Camden, NJ for his pregnant, heroin addicted girlfriend Nani, in hopes of saving their son. Meanwhile, Iman, a local drug kingpin turned addict tries to right the wrongs of his past. The worlds collide as separate paths to recovery get in the way of the new baby’s future.
EXCITING NEWS: The Documentary Feature Grand Jury Prize at the Slamdance Festival went to “Higher Love!”